El corno emplumado 21
from El corno emplumado / The Plumed Horn collection
Table of contents
i | Pizarnik, Alejandra | La rebelión consiste en mirar una rosa |
i | Yeats, W.B. | "A Stick of Incense" |
2 | Mondragón, Sergio; Randall, Margaret | "Una revista de la Ciudad de México" |
3-4 | Untitled | |
5 | Mondragón, Sergio; Randall, Margaret | "Nota de los editores" |
6 | Mondragón, Sergio; Randall, Margaret | "Editor's Note" |
7 | Deisler, Guillermo | Untitled |
8-12 | Cortázar, Julio | "-Yo podría bailar ese sillon- dijó Isadora" |
13-19 | Bartra, Augustí | "El sueño de la guerra de los árboles" |
20-24 | Barrios, Hálvaro | Untitled |
26-36 | Georgakas, Dan | "Interview with James Baldwin" |
37-38 | Sherman, Susan | "The Final Cause" |
39-47 | Silverman, Herschel | "Jazz and the Changes" |
48 | Deisler, Guillermo | Untitled |
50-51 | Parra, Nicanor | "Los vicios del mundo moderno" |
52 | Parra, Nicanor | "Padre nuestro" |
53 | Rójas, Gonzalo | "Rosa" |
53 | Rójas, Gonzalo | "La farsa" |
54 | Lihn, Enrique | "Coliseo" |
54 | Lihn, Enrique | "Gallo" |
55 | Lihn, Enrique | "Episodio" |
55 | Lihn, Enrique | "La invasión" |
56 | Lihn, Enrique | "Invernadero" |
57 | Lihn, Enrique | "Maria Angélica" |
58 | Arteche, Miguel | "El café" |
58 | Uribe, Armando | "Voy a dejarme correr enteramente" |
59 | Deisler, Guillermo | Untitled |
60-62 | Teillier, Jorge | "Poema para Rene Guy Cadou" |
63 | Cárdenas, Rolando | "Overend" |
64 | Cerda, Hérnan Lavín | "Poema de amor después de la teoría de la relatividad" |
64 | Cerda, Hérnan Lavín | "La carreta" |
65-66 | Hahn, Oscar | "Visión de Hiroshima" |
66-67 | Rojas, Waldo | "Moscas" |
67 | Peréz, Floridor | "Años después" |
68 | Ocqueteaux, León | "Elegía en un jardín" |
69-70 | Bergé, Carol | "Tales from the Vienna Woods" |
71-76 | de Campos, Haroldo; Translator: Morgan, Edward | "Transient Servitude" |
77 | de Campos, Haroldo; Translator: Morgan, Edward | "Alea I --Semantic Variations" |
78-80 | Brand, Millen | "A Requiem for Josephus Gerhard" |
80-81 | Brand, Millen | "The Self-Healed Quarry" |
82 | Starck, Clemens | "Take Your Choice" |
83-86 | Randall, Margaret | "Felix" |
87 | Kretz, Thomas | "The Sea for the Kitchen Midden People" |
87-88 | Kretz, Thomas | "How the Peacock Got Stars in His Tail Feathers" |
88 | Kretz, Thomas | "Executive in Socks" |
89-92 | Nero, Bob | "Nothing" |
93-101 | Agustín, José | "El ruído" |
101-102 | Caraza, Vallarta | Arrimo mi mesilla de noche y enciendo un cigarillo. |
103 | Caraza, Vallarta | Y otra vez el desgarrón del CERO... |
104-108 | Argente, Héctor | "Mujeres" |
109-111 | Untitled | |
112 | Tammer, David | "The Vanishing Coat" |
112-113 | Tammer, David | "Two Poems for A" |
113 | Blazek, Dougals | people think that christ |
114 | Blazek, Dougals | "Testimony Concerning a Sickness" |
115 | Burns, Bruce | "The Battle" |
115 | Burns, Bruce | "The Love Affair" |
115 | Burns, Bruce | "Death" |
116-119 | Ensline, Theodore | "Forms CXVIII" |
120 | Lewis, Harry | "Hot Day/Manhattan 6/29/65" |
120 | Lewis, Harry | "According to Her Leg" |
121 | Dreisler, Guillermo | Untitled |
122 | Untitled | |
123-133 | Cortázar, Julio; Rojas, Waldo; Núñes, César Young; Gandolfo, Elvio Eduardo; Bly, Robert; Arnoni, M.S.; Ginsberg, Louis; Brushwood, John; Tammer, David; Young, Al; Greenberg, Alvin; Levertov, Denise | Cartas Letters |
134-136 | Mondragón, Sergio; Randall, Margaret | "Notas sobre los colaboradores" |
137-144 | Untitled | |
145 | Mondragón, Sergio; Randall, Margaret | "Patrocinadores" |