"El Corno #17 was our fourth anniversary issue. Sergio Mondragon and Margaret had just returned from a U.S. reading tour, and had seen first-hand how important the journal was to generations of young…
"Our issue #18 showcased contemporary Mexican poetry in a completely bilingual facing-page edition. This took a great deal of work, but we lived among these poets and felt a deep need to make their…
"We had excellent ties with Finnish poets by now, and published three more of them in this issue: Vilho Kajava, Arvo Turtiainen, and Eeva-Liisa Manner. We also published an anthology of Canadian…
"El Corno #20 continued our interest in European poetry with an anthology of nine Dutch and Flemish poets, among them Remco Campert, Hans Warren, Phia Baruch, Ellen Warmond, and Fritz de Blauw.
"El Corno #21 featured an anthology of new Chilean poetry by such as Nicanor Parra, Gonzalo Rojas, Enrique Lihn, Jorge Teillier, Waldo Rojas, and Floridor Perez. Other contributors were Julio…
"Among the poets and writers in El Corn #22, were Denise Levertov, Ernesto Cardenal, Claudio Bertonio, Sergio Mondragon, Alan Trachtenberg, Anselm Hollo, Homero Aridjis, Cecilia Vicuna, Rochelle…
"Almost since the beginning, El Corno had contact with Cuban poets and artists. In January, 1967 we visited the island for the first time, to attend El encuentro con Ruben Dario, a meeting of poets…
"El Corno #24 included Ezra Pound in Jose Coronel Urtecho and Ernesto Cardenal beautiful Spanish translations, the Haitian Rene Depestre in Elinor Randall’s English translation, Clayton Eshleman,…